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Using a basket muzzle for dogs biting on your pet can raise a lot of concern. Having worries about issues like whether it can eat, breathe, pant, or drink? Other consuming issues could be whether it is painful, cruel, or even necessary at all?

A basket muzzle for dogs has its importance according to canine experts despite several surrounding controversies. According to these experts, they are going to be important at some point to the dog, its owner, or both of them. Whether you believe they are useful or not, you should get one for your pet.

We will be looking at dog muzzles for biting, whether or not they are important. We will also take a look at when and how to use a dog muzzle.(Learn More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzzle_(mouth_guard))

When should you use a muzzle for your dog?

  1. Emergencies. In a situation where your pet is hurt is likely to bite because of the pain it is going through.
  2. A threatening situation that could lead to biting. If there has been an occasion where your dog has bitten someone or another dog, you might need to take precautions. Part of this precaution is using a basket muzzle for dogs.
  3. Grooming sessions. Usually, dogs become accustomed to grooming sessions as they grow. There are a few who would just never adjust. If your dog falls into this category, then it is wise for you to make use of a muzzle.
  4. Specific legislation for your breed. Certain provinces or states have legislation that prescribes that certain breeds should wear a muzzle. This is usually for dogs that are proven as dangerous. If your dog falls under one of the breeds in this category, then you must get a muzzle.

What shouldn’t do with a muzzle?

By now, you must already be considering several problems a muzzle could solve with respect to your pet. You can’t and shouldn’t use do everything with a muzzle. There are certain things you can’t do using a dog muzzle such as control chewing, barking, or any other problem with behavior.

Just in case you are wondering why there are two important reasons for this piece of advice.

  1. Dog muzzles for biting are not designed for extended use. They should just be used over short periods. This is why they are mostly used to control eating, drinking, and panting.
  2. The nature of dogs prescribes that they will continue to bark and chew until trained otherwise. Muzzles will not replace consistent training towards a modification of behavior. There are several reasons why your dog would be barking so much. Some of these include seeking attention, boredom, anxiety due to separation, and sounding an alarm. Frequent chewing also has several causes. You need to study your mutt well to understand why it is having these behavioral issues and work to fix them.

One more thing, a basket muzzle for dogs is not a means of punishing your dog. It will end up having a terrible psychological effect on your dog. One of such is that when you finally need to muzzle it, it gets to become anxious and reacts negatively.

Types of dog muzzles

There are three major types of muzzles and we will take a brief look at each in this section.

  1. Basket muzzle. Most people consider this option as the least humane of all. However, the opposite is the case considering that most designs allow the dog freedom to pant and drink water. Usually, plastic basket muzzles are recommended for small dogs. On the other hand, the ones made of wire are better for large dogs and preventing bites.
  2. Soft muzzle. These are generally considered more dangerous and less comfortable than the basket muzzle. Usually designed from fabric, some of which include leather, mesh, or nylon. They prevent a dog from panting - very dangerous since panting is the way dogs sweat.
  3. Homemade muzzle. Basically a dog muzzle for biting and should serve as the last alternative. Mostly used when a dog has an injury and is likely to bite from the trauma. Best advise involves only making use of this for just a short period. Designed from pieces of rope, a pantyhose, or some wire gauze. It is best that you have a first aid kit for your dog handy at all times. This is necessary to avoid using a homemade muzzle.

How to use a muzzle

Getting your dog to wear a muzzle for the first time may be difficult, especially when if it suffered a scare or has an injury. There is some great news. You can train your dog to have a familiarity with a dog muzzle when not under tense situations.

Here’s a simple step-by-step process you may employ to teach your dog to accept a dog muzzle for biting.

  1. Allow the dog snuffle the muzzle then give a treat. Repeat this a couple of times.
  2. Bring the basket muzzle for dogs close to its nose then treat. Continue to repeat this process until it becomes an exciting prospect to your dog.
  3. Hold a treat in one hand and the muzzle in another. Do this in such a way that the dog needs to wear the muzzle to acquire the treat. Continue this process to have your dog used to it.
  4. Subtly put the muzzle over your dog’s nose and immediately give it a treat. Take off the muzzle almost immediately. Do this a couple of times more.
  5. Wear the muzzle and buckle it, give your dog a treat. Take off the muzzle as soon as possible and go over this process again a couple of times.
  6. Wear the muzzle and buckle it then count from one to five slowly. Give your dog a treat then take the muzzle off.
  7. From now on, let the muzzle stay longer before removing it. Remember to give your dog a treat and hold onto its collar.


Whether it is a basket muzzle for dogs or a dog muzzle for biting, a dog muzzle are really important. Despite its importance, the intended use does not extend to behavioral correction or punishment purposes. It won’t replace consistent training but is great for several other purposes.


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