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Cleaning & Maintaining Makeup Tools


Using the best beauty tools without cleaning and maintaining them will amount to waste in the end. Manufacturers of top makeup products will always advise you to take certain cleaning measures. Let’s take a look at how to clean facial tools.

Why should you clean your best beauty tools?

We need to answer this question before we go ahead to learn how to clean facial tools. Here’s a question to help you, why do you wash your clothes? There are several reasons including germs, smell, and infections.

The same goes for your best beauty tools. If you don’t clean them, you are at risk of several infections. This is asides the damage that will be done to those top makeup products.

We cannot emphasize the importance of maintaining and cleaning your makeup tools enough. Let’s take a look at some of the consequences of the lack of maintenance of beauty tools and products.

  • Damaged best beauty tools

When you use your brushes for extended periods without cleaning, you damage them. This is because there is a buildup of makeup that makes the bristles weaken and the follicles fallout.

Once your brushes are damaged, applying makeup becomes a difficult task. At the end of the day, what you have is a sloppy result.

  • Spotty application

One way to achieve a flawless finish is moving from the use of sponges to brushes. Here’s the challenge, even if you are using top makeup products, if the best beauty tools aren’t clean, the result is spotty.

The reason for this is the accumulated powders and pigments that make it difficult to blend makeup. When you are done, you notice an uneven or muddy finish.

  • Irritation

You cannot continue to use poorly maintained tools and not expect irritation to the skin. Your skin is wired to react to oil, dirt, and buildup of external bodies. It does this in several ways including irritation and inflammation.

  • Growth of bacteria on your best beauty tools

From the makeup bag to your skin, your beauty tools come in contact with loads of bacteria. These tools are perfect breeding grounds for bacteria to thrive.

Whenever you make use of one of the beauty tools without maintenance, you are simply applying bacteria to your skin.

  • Breakouts

Before you apply makeup to your face, you take out several minutes to cleanse it. After cleansing, you now apply makeup using dirty tools. What you just did is flaw the whole process even if you are using the best makeup tools money can buy.

As you apply the makeup, the bacteria floods your pores and clog them up. This leads to breakouts of acne and blackheads on the skin.

These are just a few reasons why you need clean makeup and best beauty tools. You don’t want to create a vicious cycle infection, damaged tools, and terrible makeup finishes.

Cleaning and maintaining your best beauty tools

You sure want to learn how to keep your beauty tools clean considering the dangers of not doing so. We shall take a look at a few maintenance tips for different beauty tools in the next few paragraphs.

Makeup sponge to clean your best beauty tools

This is one of the best beauty tools you need for applying makeup. How do you keep it clean?

  • Place the sponge under warm running water and ensure it gets soaked.
  • Lather it with some gentle shampoo or mild liquid soap. Most people prefer using baby shampoo. As you do this, try working through the sponge to remove any dirt. If you have not cleaned your sponge in a while, you should carry out this process a couple of times.
  • Once again, put the sponge under running water to rinse it. Leave it there until you get clear water. Squeeze the sponge as you rinse so that you get rid of the lather.
  • Flap it properly and wring it out. This will help you get rid of the water. Pat it dry with a clean dry towel and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Do this often, especially when you notice there is no clean section on the sponge.
  • Not drying your sponge could lead to the development of mold. Always check to see if there’s mold on the sponge. The moment you notice mold, throw the sponge out, it is not safe for use.

Makeup brushes

Brushes are among the top makeup products on demand. We have already seen the dangers of not cleaning them. Here are a few tips to help maintain your makeup brushes.((Learn More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makeup_brush))

  • Put the best beauty tools brush under running water to rinse the bristles. When you do this, ensure the water doesn’t hit the brushes’ base directly. When it does, the glue at the base becomes weak and bristles start falling out.
  • Lather the brush with some mild shampoo of soap. Just like above, baby shampoo is most preferred. Work your fingers through the brush to get rid of any stubborn dirt. If the dirt doesn’t come off, apply some coconut oil. Rinse the brush afterward to get clear water.
  • Disinfect the brush with 1 part of vinegar and 2 parts of water. Swooshing the best beauty tool brush in the mixture for about two minutes is perfect. Rinse the brush after this.
  • Use a dry towel to sop up the wetness from the brush before reshaping the bristles. Leave the brushes over a dry towel to dry naturally overnight.
  • Do this often for your brushes.

Metal tools

You cannot talk about the best beauty tools without adding metal tools to the list. There are so many tools that fall into this category. They include tweezers, clippers, eyelash curlers, cuticle nippers, etc.

Clean facial tools are very important so how do you take care of these tools?

  • Wash them using antibacterial soap and water.
  • After washing, pat the tools dry using a clean dry towel.
  • Sanitize them using a cotton ball soaked in alcohol.
  • Do this after each use. Every two weeks, you are required to give them the full treatment.

Without clean facial tools, you’d be putting your skin in danger. You cannot afford this so it is wise to use the tips above.


Using top makeup products and best beauty tools is not enough. You must clean facial tools frequently too. Each tool has specific cleaning procedures you should follow. Do this frequently and you’ll get the best results with your makeup.

#best beauty tools, #top makeup products, #clean facial tools Posted in: Anklets
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