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Gründe, warum Hunde Kauspielzeug brauchen


Es kann sehr schwer zu verstehen sein, warum Hunde sehr zäh sein können. Warum beißen sie gerne auf alles, was sie finden können? Tatsachen besagen, dass die Gründe für das Kauen viel mehr psychischer als physischer Natur sind. Als netter Hundebesitzer können Sie Ihrem flauschigen besten Freund also mindestens ein kreatives Kauspielzeug besorgen . Sie sollten ein Silikontierspielzeug für sie kaufen , da Sie nicht wissen, was in ihren Köpfen vorgeht. Im Folgenden sind einige Gründe aufgeführt, warum Hunde Kauspielzeug für Hunde benötigen . (Weitere Informationen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chew_toy )

Was sind Kauspielzeug?

Kauspielzeug besteht normalerweise aus Gummi, Holz oder Silikon. Es sind wunderschöne Spielzeuge, die von Tieren (in diesem Fall von Hunden) gekaut werden sollen. Ziel ist es, die Angst zu lindern, die Langeweile zu lindern und die Betroffenen von Schmerzen abzulenken.

Arten von Hundekauspielzeug

Es gibt viele Materialien, die bestimmen, welche Art von kreativem Kauspielzeug Sie kaufen. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Arten von Kauspielzeug.

  • Nylonknochen
  • Holzspielzeug
  • Gummi Goughnuts
  • Silikonspielzeug.

Klassen von Hundekauspielzeugen

Die allgemeine Klassifizierung von Kauspielzeug hängt vom Verwendungszweck für das Haustier ab .

  • Zahnärztliche Spielzeuge: Diese werden für Welpen verwendet, die den Kinderkrankheiten ausgesetzt sind. Sie bestehen normalerweise aus Silikon oder Gummi. Ein Silikon-Spielzeug für Haustiere ist ein gutes Beispiel.
  • Interactive toys: These chew toys used to create a form of bond between a pet and its owner. They are usually to play fetch. A rubber goughnut is an example of dog chew toys.
  • Plush toys: They are comfort toys which a dog bond to. They are usually made of silicon.
  • Reward toys: Dogs like to be rewarded when they have been good, like their human owners. Dog owners give their dogs these toys only on occasions. They serve as a treat.
  • Personal toys: These are toys used to create amusement for the dog when it is lonely or boring.

Reasons Why Pet Needs Chew Toys

Here are some of the reasons you should get a chew toy:

  • Age

A young pup is more liable to chewing random things like shoes, carpets, and furniture. This often happens while its teeth erupt. Babies also do the same as they grow teeth. When you notice that your puppy has begun to chew random stuff around the house, get it a chew toy. It is best to get your four-legged friend a pet toy that it can chew as its teeth erupt. That helps to distract it from destructive chewing and spoiling household objects.

  • Mood

Your dog might need a creative chew toy when they are unhappy, lonely or bored. Some dogs chew when they are feeling their owner’s absence so much. It is nice to get one for your pet so that when it misses you, it can get a little solace from chewing on it.

  • Anxiety

When dogs are anxious, they chew to avoid stress. This helps them deal with the anxiety by restoring a state of calm to their minds. Your dog might be anxious about something it sees outside its cage. As a result, it may become difficult to reach it when in need of a good walk. Having the dog chew toys around helps a great deal.

  • Boredom

Active dogs are less likely to be chewy. As it is, dog owners cannot be available all day to make their dogs feel lively or less bored. Getting a pet toy for your pet helps relieve the boredom.

  • Pain

Chewing can also be a response to pain. When your pet gets injured or hurt, the next is that they try to chew on anything they can find to help ease a bit. This a good reason to get your dog a silicone pet toy.

  • Fun

Chewing is an activity that dogs enjoy a lot. If you want to create more fun for your pet, it is good to buy a creative chewy toy.

How To Select The Right Chew Toy To Suit Your Pets Needs

Getting your dog a chew toy is not as easy as entering into a pet shop and buying just any pleasing chew toy. It also involves knowing your dog’s needs. Whether it is a toy for play or comfort, there are some things to consider.

Dog size: The size of your dog would determine the size of the dog chew toy to buy. It is advisable to get a bigger toy for a big dog to prevent it from swallowing it. Also, you should give a small dog a lighter chew toy.

Dog activity: If you have an aggressive chewer, a silicone toy might not be the best choice. Stronger rubber toys would suit it more. Soft and squeaky toys are great for gentle dogs.

Treat toys: These are perfect for dogs that are easily bored. You can ensure your dog is quite stuffed with dog-friendly peanut butter. This can keep a dog busy for a long time, say three to four hours.

Ease of cleaning: The choice of toys also depends on how easy they are to clean. This important because the dog’s health is paramount.

No small detachable parts: It is important the chew toy for your dog be safe. That is rid of small parts like buttons, hooks or strings that can be easily swallowed by the dog.

Durability: As much as you try to spend in wisdom, the strength of the creative toy you buy is important. Once your dog becomes familiar and attached to a particular toy, it could get spoiled. When this happens, it might be difficult to get it used to a new toy. So, durability is important to save the stress of retraining.


Dog chew toys are an important part of dog training. They are also an integral part of your pet’s life. Keeping in mind that dogs are natural chewers, it is important to understand their habits. Then, you should provide appropriate creative chew toys for it. Understanding why dogs chew is also key in selecting the best silicone pet toy for your dog. (If you want to know more, please visit https://www.trendebut.com)

#kreatives Kauspielzeug, #Silikon Haustier Spielzeug, #Hundekauspielzeug
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