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How N95 respirators work


Medical personnel and emergency personnel wear N95 gas masks to protect themselves from particulate matter in the air. These people suffer from many diseases while taking care of patients. They are pathogenic compounds in the air and are also exposed to a variety of harmful chemicals.

It is well known that respirators are more effective than surgical masks in protecting against diseases. CDC recommends that medical staff wear these masks when caring for patients. In this article, we will learn about how the respirator works in other important information. (Read more: HTTPS : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgical_mask )

What is a respirator?

Before considering the working principle of respirator, let us first understand their role. Respirators are masks worn by medical personnel and emergency personnel to protect themselves from disease.

Many people mistakenly believe that there is a clear difference between N95 gas masks and surgical masks . Patients should wear masks to prevent bacteria from coming into contact with others. Medical personnel wear masks for a variety of procedures, especially those involving fluid spills.

However, in order to prevent diseases more effectively, medical and emergency personnel are advised to use respirators. It turns out that these masks can provide more protection against small particles that cannot be filtered through surgical masks.

How does a respirator work?

The type of respirator is different, which is very important for the work of the respirator, so that you can know your needs. As we all know, each type of respirator has a specific purpose. We briefly describe each method and how it works below.https://www.trendebut.com/100-pcs-disposable-face-masks-surgical-medical-mask-3-ply-breathable-and-comfortable-for-blocking-dust-air-pollution-protection

  1. Escape respirator. These respirators can only be used in emergency situations. They are necessary when trying to escape from a dangerous area to a safe area. When surfing the market, you will encounter many escape breathing apparatus.

Some situations include fires and areas where chemical vapors are released. Therefore, the escape breathing device can only be used for a relatively short period of time between 15 minutes and 1 hour. Adults usually have different sizes, but people with large or small necks may find some designs unusable.

  1. Gas mask. Sometimes you will encounter air filled with chemical gases. It is important to protect yourself from such gases. In this case, the best option is a gas mask.

The gas mask is designed with a filter cartridge that can filter specific chemical and biological substances. You should note that no ink cartridge can protect you from all kinds of substances. Therefore, the effectiveness of the mask depends on the type of ink cartridge you choose. Make sure you know the correct ink cartridge to prevent danger.

  1. Electric Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR). These respirators use fans to ease the wearer's breathing. The fan blows air through the cassette filter, very similar to the air in a gas mask.

As the name suggests, electric air purifiers are powered by batteries. This means that the battery must be charged for the device to function optimally. Just like a gas mask, you should determine the type of cartridge you want to pick up. Make sure this is indeed the kind of protection you want to protect yourself from harm.

  1. Particle respirator. These are the cheapest, simplest and least protected. As the name suggests, particle respirators protect the wearer from particulate matter in the air. They cannot prevent gases, vapors or chemicals.

Particle respirators are designed for low-risk situations. There are many types of particle respirators, but the most common is the N95 respirator . Their main function is to filter the air and remove the source of infection. Most particles cannot be seen with the naked eye, but if it is dangerous, you should wear a granular mask.

How about particle respirators

Health personnel and emergency personnel are susceptible to infection when taking care of patients. When they had to take care of patients with respiratory infections, the situation was even worse. One such situation is the coronavirus pandemic.

In this case, the particulate respirator will filter the air to prevent the wearer from inhaling the virus. Without these, workers will be at risk of inhaling the virus and being infected. Even if these masks help protect health workers, they should not be used by the public. This is based on CDC's recommendations.

The reason is that these respirators require special training to be used effectively. The public can indeed participate in this training. Therefore, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends not staying in danger, but staying at home and washing hands. In addition to these instructions, the public is also advised to avoid touching the face.

Questions to ask before buying a respirator

Before buying a respirator, you need to ask some questions. You must ask these questions to be fully effective.

  1. What kind of protection does the mask provide?
  2. Are there various sizes?
  3. Is any training required to use the mask?
  4. What kind of training do you need to use a mask?
  5. Has the mask passed the necessary test procedures?
  6. Who certified the mask and approved its use?
  7. Are there any special maintenance procedures?
  8. Are there special storage conditions?
  9. Will breathing be difficult?
  10. Can you speak when using a respirator?
  11. Does the mask restrict head movement or vision?
  12. Can you move the device in the trunk?
  13. Can children use respirator?

in conclusion

You should now know how the N95 respirator works and the different types of respirator available. With this information, you can choose the right respirator for a specific situation. Don't forget, each respirator has a specific set of rules to guide its use. Make sure to follow these rules to protect yourself. (For more of information , visit https://www.trendebut.com .)

#N95 gas masks Posted in: Necklaces & Pendants
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